• Why wait Brass sewer pipe till its mainstream

     Why wait Brass sewer pipe till its mainstream, the future is now.


    Stop waiting. Water is made of 2 parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. It is flammable, with twice the power of gas. Why not produce it as needed rather than store it.


    That is stupid water doesn't burn.Would you prefer to use water instead of gas in your car? Do you think this is a dream from the distant future? Is free energy a pipe dream? These questions you will answer for yourself when you read the Water4Gas PDF book. This ebook is not about replacing gas, but rather supplementing it with water.00 on every gallon of gas you purchase worth a couple hours of your time?


    Stop, and ask yourself. Hydrogen can be hazardous if compressed then stored in tanks. Street racers have been doing this with nitrous oxide(NOS) for years. I'm busy, how long will it take? It will only take an evening to make the device and minutes to install. The starting point you must walk. The sooner we use alternative energy in our automobiles the quicker we rid ourselves of the plague of foreign oil dependence the better off our planet will be. The device in the Water4gas PDF eBook does this with the electricity from your battery. What I am saying is that once you read the Water4Gas PDF is you will have found a place to start diminishing your use of oil. The primary difference is safety. No matter how busy you are, isn't the time it takes to avoid spending 1. Take action NOW.00 - 2.


    The device that the Water4Gas PDF eBook is notorious for, is only the beginning baby steps that average people can and will take. Fine you got me on that one. However you will use less of it than ever before. You can make a difference. Even NASA is in on the game (liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen IS rocket fuel). Why expose yourself to danger when hydrogen is already compressed in water. However, follow along for a minute. Do I want to pay 4 or more for gas? Do I want to help my country? Am I opposed doing my part to save the planet? If you are fed up with paying too much buying oil, now is the time to join the legions who have bought the Water4Gas PDF ebook, and are changing the world one car at a time. Hydrogen is flammable, remember atom bomb.


    Am I telling you you'll never use oil after reading the Water4Gas PDF book? No.. The book will show you 5 other systems you can build in addition to save even more on gas.


    Sooner or later there will be a time when all of our automobiles run on energy not derived from gas.

    . Before long you have personally started a chain long enough to start a revolution. What you do not utilize condenses back into water vapor. If you disconnect hydrogen and oxygen from water, a process called hydrolysis, you get a gas called Browns gas or HHO. And nothing will burn without the presence of oxygen.


    Your engine is not designed for this kind of power, so the gas must be mixed with less powerful gas, just not as much of it. Sound hard?  If I can build it, you can build it. Then you show others how to walk

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